Welcome to The Explorer, the City Sightseeing blog

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If this is your first time here, we thought you might like to know a little bit about us and our blog. These days big companies have blogs. It comes with the territory. So, here’s ours!

That’s not our main reason for having a blog though. We’re here because we love travelling, we love exploring and we love discovering new places. City Sightseeing has been helping our customers explore the world for more than 20 years and each new day getting to share the places we love is a gift. 

That might sound corny, but we really do mean it. And that’s the real reason that we’re writing this blog. Over the years, we’ve learnt a thing or two about the cities that we operate in and we want to share that knowledge with you, so that when you’re hopping on and off our bus (we hope) or just getting around under your own steam, you’ll be able to have all those special experiences that make those trips away forever memorable. 

To have new experiences, maybe. To try new foods. To see new sights. To check places off our bucket list. There are so many reasons. Each of us is different. For us the main ones are to learn more about the world, to enrich our lives and to escape from our day-to-day existences for a short time, to feed our souls and recharge our batteries. 

Here, in The Explorer, our blog, we want to share with you the world we’ve discovered because we hope that the memories that we treasure might become memories of your own.

We’ve got a long list of places and things that we can’t wait to tell you about. From London to Saigon, from New York to Cape Town, it’s a fantastic world out there, with an amazing mix of cultures and customs. 

Whether you’re exploring a new city on the other side of the world or maybe somewhere in your own backyard, we hope that we’ll be able to help you make that experience just that little bit more special and that little bit more memorable. 

Perhaps what we’re most looking forward to is telling you about the places that we still haven’t discovered yet ourselves. We want to keep growing so that we can share more of the world with you. Let’s explore together! 

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