City Sightseeing Oxford: A Completely Emission-Free Fleet  

City Sightseeing Oxford: una flota totalmente libre de emisiones City Sightseeing Oxford ha introducido en sus servicios turísticos una gran innovación al presentar una flota compuesta completamente por vehículos eléctricos durante la Semana del Turismo Inglés. El enfoque principal ha estado en resaltar los beneficios tanto ambientales como económicos de esta transición.  La nueva flota…

Headset recycling

Headset recycling In our constant effort to reduce our environmental impact and promote more sustainable practices, we have implemented a headphone recycling programme on all our City Sightseeing Sevilla buses. We know that this is an essential everyday item for our passengers, but we also understand the importance of finding solutions that minimise our impact…

Plastic Reduction

Plastic Reduction Introducing our new headsets which we have added to the City Sightseeing Shopping Catalogue. After being presented at our last Annual Conference in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, these new supplies are now available for operation. As well as maintaining the same level of sound quality as always, the headphones come in new…