Companies with commitment

Companies with commitment On 17 November, City Sightseeing, together with the Seville Confederation of Employers and the Randstad Foundation at the Cajasol Foundation, promoted an event for Seville’s employers to highlight the company’s social commitment. In addition, we participated in the round table together with Jimenez Maña, Diaz Cadena and BMW, where we were able…

City Sightseeing Malaga joins the Provincial Forum of Socially Responsible Businesses

City Sightseeing Malaga joins the Provincial Forum of Socially Responsible Businesses This year City Sightseeing Malaga has joined the Provincial Forum of Socially Responsible Companies of Malaga. The general objective of the CSR Forum Malaga is to identify common challenges and joint projects of Corporate Social Responsibility that, under a methodology based on the participation…