Presentation Changing Lives 2024
During City Sightseeing’s global convention, held in Hanoi between 25 and 28 November, we had the opportunity to present this new area of the company to start coordinating all the social actions of all the operations in the City Sightseeing Worldwide network. We were also able to present the first international project led by City Sightseeing Cares called Changing Lives 2024, which will consist of making water drinkable in 12 communities in the Amazon and thus contribute to the exercise of the right of access to drinking water.
The project will be implemented in these communities located on the Yurimaguas-Balsapuerto road axis, in the districts of Yurimaguas (11) and Balsapuerto.
The 12 communities (or hamlets) are rural populations located in the heart of the Huallaga river basin, sub-basin of the Paranapura river, which in general lack a clean water supply system and which, by tradition and necessity, consume water from rivers and streams.
This limited access to safe water is affecting the health and development of the population, with the main causes of morbidity being helminthiasis, acute respiratory infections, intestinal infections and blood and skin diseases.
2,101 people from the target communities will benefit directly (1,013 women and 1,088 men). The beneficiaries of the project correspond to the following profiles:
● Families with school-age children from the targeted communities.
●Residents of mestizo and riverine communities and a group of the Shawi
ethnic group.
● People with their own homes in the community.